We are a small local farm that has been growing our own food for several years now as well as lots and lots of beautiful flowers, bushes and trees in our landscape. We are happy to now start to offer services to the public. We will have a variety of vegetable and flower plants to choice from. We only use organic materials. We also currently sell farm fresh eggs. We are going to be a part of the Mt Washington, Ky farmers market this year and will be setting up at awesome flea market and different road side places throughout this summer 2025.
My Story
Approximately 4 years ago, my husband and I purchased our forever home. I have always loved to garden and of course have always had love for probably every plant I have seen. As a young girl I remember helping my grandparents in their massive garden. I used to pretend I had my own gardening show back then. Over the past several years everything has just sky rocketed in price so we decided to just add more and more to the gardens and start plants as early as possible. After several years with some failure trying to start seeds indoors, we purchased a small greenhouse. That too had its challenges. So last fall we decided to go a little further and purchased a larger greenhouse and are ready to get these seeds planted. We can't wait to offer our plants to the public.
Would love to hear from you. We will be available Sun-Tuesday and every other Sat. Always available through text or leave a message.